Exhibit 2. Aquatic Forget-me-not (within red ellipse). Photo by White Water Associates biologist, Angie Stine.
White Water Associates, Inc. had been retained by the Hagerman Lake Property Owners’ Association to conduct biannual aquatic invasive species (AIS) monitoring in Hagerman Lake (Iron County, Michigan). Monitoring activity was performed on Aug 25, 2020.
There were no Aquatic Invasive Species found at the four locations surveyed or the boat
landing. During the meander search there were three invasive species (three plant species) observed, including Reed Canary Grass, Pink Water Lily, and the Aquatic Forget-Me-Not. There are many Iris present along the shoreline of Hagerman Lake but at the time of this survey the Iris was not in bloom. It would suggested to look at the Iris in June when they are in bloom to see if they are yellow (non-native) or blue (native) in color.